Name: SiLi
Location: Switzerland
Year entered the Galaxy of Dreams: 2020
Origin of artist alias: It has always been my nickname. For some reason, at some point I started to write the L as a capital letter
Main inspirations: Vibing with friends on the dancefloor and hearing other songs (not just dnb)
Favourite Liquicity song: Nelver – North Station
Guilty pleasure song: Herb Alpert – Spanish Flea
Favourite snack: Bean chips/crisps
Favourite drink: Cappuccino (but only by my barista friend Eli!)
Special/secret skill: I can breakdance
Own signature dish: A simple salmon bagel.
You can wake him up at night for: New gladde paling release.
Morning ritual: Taking an ice-cold shower.
Favourite place on planet earth: Actually the city I live in – Bern.
Amount of plants at home: I have a render-garden ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hobbies besides music: Programming, 3D Art, Reading, Learning new stuff