Jon Void
Location: Germany
Year entered the Galaxy of Dreams: 2020
Origin of artist alias: At first my alias was just “Void”. To give it more character I added the short form of my first name Jonas.
Main inspirations: Everything, from daywork to landscapes to music and Culture Shock.
Favourite Liquicity song: The Outsiders & Boxplot – In the Cold
Guilty pleasure song: MK – 17
Favourite snack: Pizza & Curry
Favourite drink: Vodka-E at raves (hopefully soon again)
Special/secret skill: Kickflip first try lol
You can wake him up at night for: nope, please don’t
Favourite place on planet earth: Spain, France
Amount of plants at home: +/- 10
Hobbies besides music: PingPong, board games, cooking or a good book