Name: CaitC
Location: The Netherlands
Year entered the galaxy of dreams: 1
Origin of artist alias: It’s an abbreviation of my first name and the first letter of my last
Main inspirations: Andromedik, Netsky, Kanine.
Favourite Liquicity song: Andromedik – First To Go
Guilty pleasure song: Niall Horan – Heartbreak Weather
Favourite snack: Lays Sensations Sweet Chili
Favourite drink: Dr Pepper
Special/secret skill: I love airplanes
Own signature dish: Pasta with spicy italian sausage
You can wake him up at night for: Pizza
Morning ritual: I actually have none. I just roll out of bed, get dressed etc and than head to
Favourite place on planet earth: Malta
Amount of plants at home: 0, I can’t keep them alive
Hobbies besides music: Writing