New releases
Location: New Malden & Bedford
Year entered the Galaxy of Dreams: 2016
Origin of artist alias: Pete is Technicolour, Andy is Komatic, so we squished the names together and Technimatic was born
Main inspirations: Calibre, LTJ Bukem, Alix Perez
Favourite Liquicity song: Makoto ‘YGMYC’
Guilty pleasure song: Seal ‘Kiss From A Rose’
Favourite snack: Roasted peanuts
Favourite drink: A thick, full-bodied red wine
Special/secret skill: We can make music when very drunk
Own signature dish: Cheeseboard
Favourite place on planet earth: New York
Amount of plants at home: At least 5 at any one time
Hobbies besides music: Birdwatching and scuba diving