New releases
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year entered the Galaxy of Dreams: 2014
Origin of artist alias: I have a double surname and when I was in school my name wouldn’t fit on the list of students in the class. Every new teacher started calling me Seba as that was the only part of Sebastian that would fit.
Main inspirations: darkness, music in general
Favourite Liquicity song: Hugh Hardie – Colourful Language
Guilty pleasure song: Elton John – Can you feel the love tonight
Favourite snack: cookies
Favourite drink: red wine
Special/secret skill: cooking
Own signature dish: Boeuf Bourguignon
You can wake him up at night for: Discussing your personal problems
Morning ritual: mandatory espresso
Favourite place on planet earth: Switzerland
Amount of plants at home: 5
Hobbies besides music: Boardgames