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  • Stay



Location: England

Year entered the Galaxy of Dreams: 2018

Origin of artist alias: I love space, and during a physics class back in high school i looked at the glossary of my textbook and saw the word and chose it!

Main inspirations: Pendulum, KOAN Sound, Linkin Park & Enter Shikari

Favourite Liquicity song: Andromedik – Forever

Guilty pleasure song: Britney Spears – Toxic

Favourite snack: Strawberry Laces

Favourite drink: Fanta (OR mango juice)

Special/secret skill: Decent at photography and love astrophotography too

You can wake them up at night for: late night gaming sesh

Favourite place on planet earth: Liquicity Summer fest

Amount of plants at home: a good few

Hobbies besides music: Gaming, airsofting, photography (astrophotography in particular)

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