New releases
Name: Jani
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Year entered the Galaxy of Dreams: 2012
Origin of artist alias: L.A.O.S stands for Large Amount Of Soul. Describes the quantity of soul put in to our music.
Originally founded by D-Bex and Abraham L.A.O.S.
Main inspirations: All happy and sad moments in life, family and even the void after a big night
Favourite Liquicity song: Ekko & Sidetrack ft. Reija Lee – Long Summer
Guilty pleasure song: Kleerup – Until We Bleed
Favourite snack: Quinoa snack with almost any flavour.
Favourite drink: Cranberry juice vodka with some Red Bull.
Special/secret skill: I´m super nerdy. I can fix just about anything electronic.
You can wake him up at night for: A friendly b2b.
Favourite place on planet earth: Must be the studio. It´s quite zen.
Amount of plants at home: A lot, must be close to 20.
Hobbies besides music: My kids and pets. Gaming, movies and series.