Flint & Figure
New releases
Name: Flint & Figure
Location: The Netherlands, Rotterdam
Year entered the galaxy of dreams: 1 (this february, so actually 0,178082 years)
(Years since first release on Liquicity)
Origin of artist alias: I thought it sounded cool, and all the labels and my listeners are confused and think I’m a duo, and I think that’s pretty funny.
Main inspirations: SiLi, Waeys, Technimatic, Styke, In:Most
Favourite Liquicity song: SiLi – Playing In The Darkness (ft. Sofia)
Guilty pleasure song: Earth, Wind & Fire & The Emotions – Boogie Wonderland
Favourite snack: Broodje Frikandel MayoTM
Favourite drink: Apple Bandit
Special/secret skill: Voice impersonation and random sounds
Own signature dish: Chicken sweet-chili in pita
You can wake him up at night for: A game of Counter Strike
Morning ritual: Shower, coffee, check Reddit, catch up with friends
Favourite place on planet earth: Home
Amount of plants at home: 6
Hobbies besides music: Programming, gaming, socializing, pretending I can do graphic